Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Saving Borage Seeds

Blue Borage

  Saving seeds has become sort of a game for me. I can't get enough. This borage plant has been producing flowers for probably two months now, a really wonderful addition to the garden. When the flowers first started to drop, I thought the seed looking interior of the borage flower, the brown part, looked like a seed formation and was saving those. They, however, didn't look like the seeds I saw people talking about on youtube (my information hub).

Sunday, June 26, 2016

What's Blooming


Here's a look at what's blooming this week. Tons of daylilies and a few wild flowers are popping up all over the house. It's a great time to be a flower!

Sunday, June 5, 2016


Here are a few pictures of some of the flowers from around the garden and house. The more I learn about gardening, the more is see the value of planting flowers near and in the garden. Blooming flowers can attract butterflies and bees and intern attract them towards garden plants helping to pollinate. Even the bolted kale, arugula and tatsoi (not pictured) bring butterflies to the garden. It’s nice!

Thursday, June 2, 2016


I was reading The Quarter Acre Farm by Spring Warren last month and in it, she made an interesting claim. She described how organic beans from a grocery store’s bulk bin would sprout and become bean plants. Apparently they’re not processed in a way that destroys the life force within them.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016