Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Saving Borage Seeds

Blue Borage

  Saving seeds has become sort of a game for me. I can't get enough. This borage plant has been producing flowers for probably two months now, a really wonderful addition to the garden. When the flowers first started to drop, I thought the seed looking interior of the borage flower, the brown part, looked like a seed formation and was saving those. They, however, didn't look like the seeds I saw people talking about on youtube (my information hub).

  So I waited, and about a month after the flowers started to fall, inside the petals were the seeds. The ready seed will be brown and will easily fall out, I found many underneath the plant after I knew what to look for. The green seeds are not ready and will stay in the plant for more maturing (or maybe they weren't pollinated?). When harvesting borage seeds, I found having a seed pack open and ready to catch any loose, brown seeds that may fall to be the best technique. In about 20 minutes, I had a couple dozen seeds from this year's borage plant. Very exciting!

  On the left is a loose seed still connected to the plant and on the right is my initial seed collecting score! The plant now is about 4 feet tall and continues to flower so it'll be fun to see how many seeds I get for next year. More to come on this fantastic plant!

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