
Here is a quick reference to help understand the meaning of new words and ideas that I'm learning. The more I learn about gardening and living within nature, the more I come across concepts that need a bit of explaining. Below is my best attempt to "define" words that may be unfamiliar to some, including myself. I'll also try and link to a useful page and/or video, if helpful. More info! As time progresses, I'll be adding to this list and most likely re-wording many of the definitions. If you think I've got something wrong, let me know in the comments! Thanks!

Companion Planting: This is such a cool concept. There are plants that will work together to help with pollination, ward off pests or in some cases even provide shade. For example, the Native Americans planted pole beans, corn and squash together, known as The Three Sisters. The idea was that the corn would grow tall providing something for the beans to grow on while the squash provides a natural weed inhibitor with their large leaves. The beans also provide corn and squash with ample nitrogen to help growth and production. Another concept of companion planting is putting basil near tomatoes to ward off certain bugs. There are many good references on companion planting, but one book I like in particular is Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise Riotte.

Nitrogen Fixing: The basic idea is taking nitrogen from the atmosphere and making it available in the soil through the help of bacteria. Nitrogen is a component of chlorophyll and is an essential part of a plant's nutrition and growth.

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